Taj Palace Ottobrunn

Opening hours (for pickup)Sa: 11:00 until 14:30 and 16:30 until 22:30
Mittagsmenü Thali
Montag bis Freitag außer Feiertags
Not available
Every Monday - Friday: 11:00 until 14:30
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
Mittagsmenü Chicken
Montag bis Freitag außer Feiertags
Not available
Every Monday - Friday: 11:00 until 14:30
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
Mittagsmenü Lamm
Montag bis Freitag außer Feiertags
Not available
Every Monday - Friday: 11:00 until 14:30
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
Mittagsmenü Beef
Montag bis Freitag außer Feiertags
Not available
Every Monday - Friday: 11:00 until 14:30
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
Mittagsmenü Fisch
Montag bis Freitag außer Feiertags
Not available
Every Monday - Friday: 11:00 until 14:30
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
Mittagsmenü Thandoor-Grill (Lehmofen)
Montag bis Freitag außer Feiertags
Not available
Every Monday - Friday: 11:00 until 14:30
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
Mittagsmenü Vegetarisch
Montag bis Freitag außer Feiertags
Not available
Every Monday - Friday: 11:00 until 14:30
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
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